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New & Ancient Justice

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The Kindle version of New & Ancient Justice is formatted especially for Kindle and iPad readers in a .mobi file that is easy to open in your Kindle reader or your Kindle application on your iPad or iPhone.

Download the File by clicking this link:    DOWNLOAD  the .mobi File

The Nook & iBook version of New & Ancient Justice is formatted especially for Nook and iPad readers in an ePub file that is easy to open in your Nook reader or your iBook application on your iPad or iPhone.

Download the File by clicking this link:    DOWNLOAD  the ePub File

A Voter’s Guide
to Constitutional Amendments


The Kindle version of A Voter’s Guide to Constitutional Amendments is formatted especially for Kindle and iPad readers in a .mobi file that is easy to open in your Kindle reader or your Kindle application on your iPad or iPhone.

Download the File by clicking this link:    DOWNLOAD  the .mobi File

The Nook & iBook version of A Voter’s Guide to Constitutional Amendments is formatted especially for Nook and iPad readers in an ePub file that is easy to open in your Nook reader or your iBook application on your iPad or iPhone.

Download the File by clicking this link:    DOWNLOAD  the ePub File

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